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Get Ahead of the Pack and Plan Your Thanksgiving Excursion Now

Before you know it, the leaves will begin to turn and fall as autumn makes its way through the United States. But that doesn’t mean that the vacation has to end, because with fall comes Thanksgiving. And with Thanksgiving comes time off from work.

So how are you going to use those precious Thanksgiving holidays? Are you going to take the kids to grandma’s house for the 10th year in a row? Or are you going to take a stand and decide that this year is going to be different.

This year you’re going to spend Thanksgiving with the family in a quaint cabin in the mountains.

Heck, bring the whole family! Imagine that—family crowded around an outdoor table deep in the wild Blue Ridge Mountains. And once the turkey is eaten and the pie is cut and devoured, you can all sit back and relax, listening to the nature that envelopes you. Or you can each retire to your private cabin quarters to sleep it all off.

Sounds great right? So contact us now and plan ahead for your Thanksgiving retreat at Sliding Rock Cabins.

Rick Mark

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